
Famous music intros!

The most famous riffs by the greatest composers/musicians!

There have been many famous introductory ‘riffs’ in music over the ages. Who can fail to recognize this:

Or this:

With apologies to Rossini, the latter generally evokes the childhood memory of “Hi Yo Silver!” in those of us old enough to have heard it on the radio ten million times as the theme song for the Lone Ranger, 7:30 p.m., M-W-F.

Despite the world-wide fame of those two intros, I’d bet a shiny nickel that ten times as many listeners would instantly recognize this:

Ah, yes, we all say, Eric Clapton on “Layla.”


It’s DUANE ALLMAN, the world’s greatest guitar player of all time! Clapton invited Duane to play on the recording, and besides giving the song this incredible opening, Duane also played slide all along the way of the song, some of it being the most unearthly and mind-blowing music I’ve ever heard. Here’s a sample, isolated, of part of Duane’s work on “Layla”:

Yes, that’s in “Layla,” audible if you use headphones on a good recording. And there’s a lot more of Mr. Allman in that recording.  There are multiple overlays of both Eric and Duane playing, including a mind-numbing duet. All for now.