Wonder why egg prices are so high? First, the feed from two major suppliers is screwed up to cause hens to stop laying (a proven fact!). Why? Here’s one reason:

And here’s what’s behind it, from back in 2011, if you still think the bogus ‘vaxes’ are a good idea. Yes, that’s Bill Gates (A.E.*) in the picture:

Here’s one last tip. Many think the world is overpopulated. One prominent man does not think so. He’s Elon Musk.


*A.E. = Asshole Extraordinaire.

One thought on “EGGS & OTHER STUFF

  1. thank buddha i’ve got mine in the back garden! i didn’t used to eat the eggs; but, then i learned that organic eggs are one of the few foods that contain Mo (molybdenum) which is one of the three most important minerals for our bodies to function properly (Zn and Mg being the other two). note: Mg is more important than calcium. i wonder if our local GPs know anything about this. the compere of the Australian tv quiz programme, The Chase, was astounded when a GP couldn’t answer a simple question (with three multiple choice answers) on chemistry. He was even more surprised when the GP told him he didn’t have to study chemistry to become a medical doctor. For heaven’s sake, our bodies are made up of chemicals (minerals and vitamins) and this is what determines our health (by consuming such). Goodness gracious, if only GPs knew what i knew they’d be millionaires….. errrr, no wait, they wouldn’t be millionaires because they wouldn’t be writing up scrips for the big pharmas who, in turn, keep the doctors, chemists and governments employed and keep us all sick!

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