Our “government” is intending to kill you.

Mike Adams of nailed it. Mike knows his stuff and posted this about the pseudo-government-initiated eastern Ohio disaster near East Palestine, Ohio. This spill should NEVER have been ignited, which the government in fact did:

“The burning of vinyl chloride…releases phosgene, a World War I chemical weapon that maims or kills biological beings on contact. The train crash provided the perfect cover story for genocidal government agents to essentially detonate a chemical weapons bomb over prime farm land, not far from heavily populated cities. The entire Ohio River basin will be impacted by the fallout for years to come, with massive die-offs already being reported, and both soils and foliage to be impacted with actual acid rain (hydrochloric acid), formed as the combustion products of vinyl chloride combine with water vapor in the air.

“(The media are largely silent on all this, pretending that the real threat to humanity is carbon dioxide.)”

Once again I state that it’s way past time to take up arms and rid ourselves of the garbage that’s posing as the current U.S. administration. There’s no excuse for the ongoing terrorist acts being perpetrated against you and me by the phony Biden administration. WAKE UP!

2 thoughts on “PHOSGENE”

  1. I wholeheartedly agree with your observations, though I’m not familiar with all of ’em. The problem we all are facing is, I think, a simple one: PEOPLE ARE STUPID!

  2. yeah i’ve know mike adams a long time. he was the guy that first discovered all kelloggs cereals had aluminium shavings in them. he also made a list of all the water filter jugs and how dangerous they were eg many adding chemicals to the water it was meant to be filtering. Brita was one of the worst adding (from memory) Pb, Al and Cd. In australia we only used about one brand and that was Brita – rated at the bottom of tens of filter jugs. needless to say mine went in the bin immediately and my next htma (hair tissue mineral analysis) showed a marked decrease of those toxic metals mentioned above.

    ray, everywhere in the world these ‘accidental’ or ‘natural’ disasters are occuring. our food supply is diminishing. i’m one of very few people in the world that has a constant supply of fruit (from my own bio-organic trees) and veggies. but no one seems to be following suit (are they being controlled by the graphene hydroxide already?). my property is on the market and the top point is more than 30 bio organic fruit and nut trees. does this attract many buyers? nope. it’s in the most prestigeious street in the country’s 2nd more sought after location for tourism and the fastest growing region in australia for the last 20 years. still no interest, except for a german girl and her partner. out of all those serious buyers only one was interested in all that fookin gardening i completed. Disappointing that man seems to think it more important to fill his car with clean fuel than his body. don’t worry they’ll still have heaps of chemicalized, plastic-wrapped, glyphosate-sprayed fruit and veg in the supermarkets!

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